August, 2018
21AUG20:00The Man with the Magic BoxSummer Movies @ trieste science+fiction festival20:00

Details Based in Trieste, an enchanting location in the northernmost part of the Adriatic Sea, on the borders between the Balkan Peninsula and the Mitteleuropa, Trieste Science+Fiction Festival was founded in 2000 and, year after year, has asserted itself as the leading fantastic film festival in Italy. The 18th edition of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival will
Based in Trieste, an enchanting location in the northernmost part of the Adriatic Sea, on the borders between the Balkan Peninsula and the Mitteleuropa, Trieste Science+Fiction Festival was founded in 2000 and, year after year, has asserted itself as the leading fantastic film festival in Italy. The 18th edition of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival will run 30 October – 4 November, 2018.
The Man with the Magic Box won the Asteroide Award at Trieste Science+Fiction Festival 2017
Summer Movies – Zeitgenössische Filme, Visuals und Klassiker präsentiert von OchoReSotto und dem Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino. Vor einzelnen Vorstellungen gibt es Hintergrundinfos und Anekdoten zum Film. Bei Schlechtwetter werden die Filme im Murinsel Café gezeigt.
Alle Filme sind kostenlos.
Idee & Konzept: Koordinationsstelle City of Design in Kooperation mit OchoReSotto
Programm: Dienstag – OchoReSotto | Mittwoch – Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino
(Dienstag) 20:00
Murinsel Amphitheater