August, 2018

07AUG20:00Late Blossom Blues - The Journey of Leo “Bud” WelchSummer Movies @ Diagonale20:00


Born in 1932 in rural segregated Mississippi, Blues and Gospel singer Leo “Bud” Welch has been a poor man all his life, working hard in the cotton fields and the woods. Until in 2013, after decades of missed opportunities and gigs in local Juke Joints and churches, a Gulf War veteran management rookie teams up with him to take the Blues World by storm. LATE BLOSSOM BLUES tells the incredible story of Leo’s very late international success and his lighthearted take on life – The Leo “Bud” Welch Way.

More Information


Summer Movies – Zeitgenössische Filme, Visuals und Klassiker präsentiert von OchoReSotto und dem Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino. Vor einzelnen Vorstellungen gibt es Hintergrundinfos und Anekdoten zum Film. Bei Schlechtwetter werden die Filme im Murinsel Café gezeigt.


Alle Filme sind kostenlos.


Idee & Konzept: Koordinationsstelle City of Design in Kooperation mit OchoReSotto
Programm: Dienstag – OchoReSotto | Mittwoch – Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino



(Dienstag) 20:00



Murinsel Amphitheater