Juli , 2020
21JUL21:00Ginga: The Soul Of Brazilian FootballSummer Movies hosted by OchoReSotto21:00

Ginga: The Soul Of Brazilian Football 21 Uhr, Eintritt frei Produced by Fernando Meirelles (City of God) and directed in part by Marcelo Machado (Tropicalia), the film follows seven young
Ginga: The Soul Of Brazilian Football
21 Uhr, Eintritt frei
Produced by Fernando Meirelles (City of God) and directed in part by Marcelo Machado (Tropicalia), the film follows seven young footballers from a diverse range of social and ethnic backgrounds, providing an insight into the passionate culture that produces some of the world’s finest footballers.
Regie: Tocha Alves, Hank Levine, Marcelo Machado
Documentary, Sport
BR USA 2005
79 Minuten
FSK: 6
engl. OmU
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Foto: © Ginga: The Soul Of Brazilian Football
(Dienstag) 21:00
Murinsel Amphitheater
Murinsel Amphitheater